Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Nutrition Program

Sign-up today to take part in our Nutrition Program!!!

You will Receive:

* A Daily Email Containing Helpful Nutrition, Diet, and Lifestyle Information
(These emails will contain:food logs, tips on dealing with triggers, understanding food labels, understanding what foods contain what so you can live (and eat) to the best of your ability, and more!

* Daily Email and/or Text Support (your emails are usually replied to within 24 hours or less!)

* At the End of the 30 Days You will Receive a Monthly Email for 3-6 Months to Check Your Progress!

* In Addition You will Receive a Coupon Good for 1/2 Off ANY of our DVD's!!!

This goes way beyond just a diet, this is a whole new eating style!

Loose/Maintain Weight, Feel Better, and Be a Healthier, Happier YOU!!!

Yoga at the Park March 20, 2010

Join us at Tumbleweed Park on March 20, 2010 from 11:30am- 12:30pm for a fun yoga class! All supplies can be provided if needed.

If you have any questions, please feel free to send us an email at:

Donation Sunday's

I am thinking of starting a special class on Sundays (let me know what time works for you) where all the
proceeds, yes 100%, will go to a chosen charity each month! These charities can be local or international, etc.
Let me know what times would work for you, what parks sound good, and what charities you want to donate to!