Saturday, December 19, 2009

Holiday Class Schedule

December 21, 2009- January 3, 2010

Monday, 12/21

Open for private sessions (your house or a local park) or can do a class at the park.

Tuesday, 12/22
Open for private sessions (your house or a local park) or can do a class at the park.

Wednesday, 12/23
6:30-7:30pm, Boston Street Pilates, Class can be any style you want.

Thursday, 12/24
Open for private sessions (your house or a local park, or possibly the studio) or can do a class at the park, or possibly the studio before 12pm. No classes or sessions afterwards though sorry.

Friday, 12/25
No classes or sessions, Happy Holidays!!!

Saturday, 12/26
11:30-12:30pm, Boston Street Pilates, Simply Restorative Class

Sunday, 12/27
Open for private sessions (your house or a local park, or possibly the studio) or can do a class at the park or possibly the studio.

Monday, 12/28
Open for private sessions (your house or a local park) or can do a class at the park.

Tuesday, 12/29
Open for private sessions (your house or a local park) or can do a class at the park.

Wednesday, 12/30
6:30-7:30pm, Boston Street Pilates, Class can be any style you want.

Thursday, 12/31
Open for private sessions (your house or a local park or possibly the studio) or can do a class at the park or possibly the studio.

Friday, 1/1
1-2pm, Special New Years Day Class (see prior post for details)

Saturday, 1/2
12/26- 11:30-12:30pm, Boston Street Pilates, Simply Restorative Class

Sunday, 1/3
Open for private sessions (your house or a local park or possibly the studio) or can do a class at the park or possibly the studio.

Private sessions can be one-on-one or a small group (this can include children of any age)

Friday, December 18, 2009

Special New Years Day Class!!!

Join us on January 1st from 1-2pm for a special yoga class!

This class will focus on detoxifying, stretching, opening, building strength and flexibility, and removing stress!!!

All levels are welcome!

Supplies can be provided if needed.

For more information please email us at:

As an added thank you, this class is only $10 per person!

Sign-up today (just select the Friday 1pm class time or email us at: and put New Years Day Class as the subject!)

I hope to see you all there!!!!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Webpage for 30 Day Challenge is UP!

If you have any questions or comments, please don't hesitate to shoot me an email:

Yoga Mind & Body 30 Day Challenge!

Sign-up today to take part in our first Yoga Mind & Body 30 Day Challenge!!! For only $29.95 (that's less than a dollar a day!!!)

You will receive.....
  • A Daily Workout Video
  • A Daily Healthy Recipe
  • Helpful Tips for the Body & Mind
  • Email Support From Me! (I usually respond within the hour!)
  • At the End of the 30 Days You will Receive a DVD Containing all of the Videos to Keep!
  • In Addition You will Receive a Coupon Good for 1/2 Off ANY of My DVD's!!!
So What are You Waiting For?

You're Just 30 Days Away From a Healthier, Happier YOU!!!

To learn more please email me at:

I will have the webpage up for it soon!

Monday, November 30, 2009

the human body is an amazing thing!

the human body never stops amazing me! just when you think you hit your limit your body says, ok, how about a little bit more?

for years i had suffered major back, neck, hip, and knee problems so there were a lot of poses i had written off that i would never be able to do. and to be honest i am sure there will still be a lot on that list, but lately my body has really opened up and has allowed me to do poses i never thought would be within my range. it's an amazing feeling! just in the past year alone my body has changed soo much, and i am not just talking about weight wise, but also flexibility and strength wise. if someone were to have told me 2 years ago that in 2 years i would be doing headstands and wheel pose and crane pose i would have fallen on the floor laughing at them!

the point to this post is, never write anything off. have patience with your body and just have fun with the journey, because you never know where you will end up! you could even end up in wheel pose!

Friday, November 27, 2009

Sunday, November 22, 2009

candlight yoga class

candlelight yoga at boston street pilates

join us on december 13 from 5:30-6:30pm for a relaxing and stress relieving yoga class lit by candles.

this class is appropriate for all levels and experience.

supplies can be provided if needed.

space is limited so please sign-up today at:

Trailer for Simply Restorative DVD

The timing on the DVD couldn't be better, the holdiday season is known for causing higher stress/anxiety levels and depression, all of which this DVD is geared to help with.

To learn more about this DVD and to order it, please go to:

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Stop and Listen...

here's an easy way to center and calm yourself and it can be done just about anywhere!

sit or lay in any comfortable position… closing your eyes or leaving them open, depending on your preference… now for the next five minutes just focus on the sounds around (a fan spinning, car driving down the road, water moving in a fish tank). just sit and listen to it all. don't go searching for new sounds, let them come to you… if your mind wanders, that's ok, acknowledge the thought and bring your focus back to just listening…

this technique can be quite calming done at a local park; it can even be very interesting if you do this in a public place, the collage of sounds you would get there.

so the next time you have a few minutes…. just stop and listen….

Friday, November 20, 2009

Candlelight Yoga Decemeber 13th...

I am in the process of setting up a candlelight yoga class the evening of December 13th. Still banging out the exact time and trying to see if a local tea shop would be interested in participating. Let me know if this sounds like something you would be interested in!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Intro to Purely Dynamic DVD OUT NOW!!!!

This DVD Features Two 30 Minute Workouts!
Perfect for those new to yoga, just getting back into working out, or beginners!

The DVD is only $20!!!
Payment types accepted: PayPal, Credit Card, or Check

For more information or to order, please send an email to:

Thank you!!!!


"I am 52 years old and have not worked out "officially" in over a year. I have been feeling very sluggish, am overweight, and really needed something to kick start me back into health. April & her Intro to Purely Dynamic DVD have been my answer to prayer. I don't think I have ever sweat so much working out in my life! But, boy did it feel good. I love the stretches, especially. It makes my body feel energized and it's a wonderful feeling. I love that April & her yoga classes can be done by the most inexperienced people, like me! I can take it at my own pace, and April even gives you alternative poses or helpful hints to make it easier for someone like me. I love that. I feel successful with this workout because I can do it without giving up! She also gives you a few shorter workouts concentrating on different problems you may be having, such as stress!
Love that..... If you want a great workout, you cannot go wrong with purchasing the Intro to Purely Dynamic DVD. And the price is great!!!"
- Deb Plaskett, Lee's Summit, Missouri

Friday, November 6, 2009

it's the little things...

this was a big week for me, i finally mastered crane pose. i have been working on this pose for awhile, and i finally was able to do it 2 days ago.
i do this throughout my personal yoga practice, i do my normal routine (whatever i decide that is for the day) and then i work on a "special pose". in the past these special poses have been camel, dove (still working on the complete dove), wheel, plow, etc. i don't put any pressure on myself to master this pose, i just have fun with it. and when the day comes that i am finally able to it, it's like a mini celebration!
this technique can be applied to so many things in life. by simply taking baby steps we conquer the mountain without even worry about the mountain!

thank you for reading and namaste'

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

dealing with the image in the mirror

a lot of us have fun house mirrors in our mind. when we look at ourselves in the mirror we see something drastically different from what's really there. no matter what we do, how often we exercise or diet, the old image of ourselves is still there. no matter how many times others tell us we look great, etc. we still think and see ourselves as we use to be, not as we are now.

next time you find yourself in a yoga class don't look in mirror, look into your heart. I know this is easier said then done (I know because I still battle with my self image) but try your best. once you find your balance/stability in the pose, close your eyes. let your body take in all that you are doing. stop worrying if you are doing everything perfect. trust yourself and your body.

don't get me wrong, mirrors can be great tools, but if you are looking beyond what you are doing and are looking at what's wrong with you then they are more of a hindrance then anything else.

we all need to have more compassion with ourselves and with others. but in order to do this we have to understand that we are not perfect and never will be and that this a good thing. this is something that should be celebrated not looked down upon. yes we all have our flaws, but understand that it's these flaws that make us human.

so the next time you are in a yoga class, or are getting ready for the day, or catch a glimpse of your reflection in a window, smile. focus on all the wonderful things about yourself, even if for that moment all you can think of is that your hair looks halfway decent.

the next time you make a mistake, or trip, or make a fool of yourself, stop before you belittle yourself and tell yourself that everyone in the world at one point in time has made a fool of themselves/has made a mistake/has gotten off balance, and more than likely it's been more than a couple of times.

love yourself for who you are, not who you wish you were. if you want to be a few pounds lighter than do so, but don't beat yourself up if you slip up and have a candy bar. be aware of the fact that you did eat a candy bar and maybe spend 5 extra minutes on the treadmill the next day.

understand that 99% of the woman you see in those magazines are airbrushed and the ones with flawless bodies starve themselves and work out 24/7. you might be a few pounds heavier but you are living life.

so stop letting the mirror dictate your self esteem. stick your tongue out at that silly skewed image of yourself, because trust me the rest of the world isn't seeing it.

live life with your eyes wide open…. let your heart lead you…. let love heal…. let compassion be your guide….. namaste'

Saturday, October 10, 2009

my yoga story...

yoga has literally changed my life...

i use to be fatigued all the time, stressed out, suffered from mild insomnia, back pain, knee pain, neck pain, and hip pain. i lived on pain killers, icy hot, heating pads, and massages from my husband. i also didn't like myself or my body, my esteem was pretty much non-existent.

then one day i decided to go take a yoga class at the local gym. little did i know that this gym trip would change everything. i fell in love with everything that is yoga. from the stretching, toning, de-stressing, everything! shortly after that first class i went about becoming a certified yoga instructor. i wanted to help people feel as good as i did after a session.

once i got my certification things slowly started to change and evolve in my life. i was no longer living on pain killers, icy hot, heating pads, or massages (all though the occasional one is still a nice treat!). i was able to move more freely, and was eventually able to touch my toes! (this was a big day for me lol.) but not only did the pain start to go, but my self image started to change. i now cared about my body, what was put in it, how i treated, no longer taking advantage of it. i began to respect my body and truly listen to it.

in addition to all of the above, i also began to tone my muscles, build strength and stamina, increase my flexibilty, and even lose weight! (i have to this day lost about 30 pounds since april 2009 with just yoga.) i usually do a higher impact yoga session at least 3-5 times a week, and also do restorative and in-between the two throughout the week as well.

it's funny how much my life has changed in such a short period of time. to really bring my point home, here are some before and after shots (i need to get a more current after as i lost a few more pounds since it was taken lol).



thank you for taking the time to read my story. i would love to hear your stories, thoughts, comments, etc.

have a wonderful weekend!


*** UPDATE 10/16/09: i just took some waist, chest, and hip measurements today. I use to be 32/33 chest, 34 for waist, and about 36 in hips. Now I am: 32 chest, 26 3/4 waist, and 36 hips.

*** UPDATE 12/27/09: recent measurements: chest- 31, waist- 26, hips- 36

***** UPDATE 1/20/10: chest- 30 (above boobs) 28 (below boobs), waist- 25, hips- 36